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Recording Yourself

on an Android Phone


Here are some tips for recording your own audio and video through your Android phone or tablet.

These instructions are for PRE-recording a segment, and then uploading that file, not for going live in the moment.


Be sure to check out our Presenter Resources to learn about optimizing your audio, lighting and video. You can always upgrade with a Studio In A Box.



It is very important that you record in landscape (holding your phone at a horizontal orientation). Vertical videos will not fit into the video player frame well and may need to be re-recorded. 

Find a space to record with a clean, uncluttered background and good lighting. You can reference our Presenter Resources for more location optimization tips.




Detailed instruction coming shortly.

In the meantime, check the iPhone instructions here. The Android process is similar.


For Android-specific instructions, check back shortly. This page will be updated very soon!



Contact us if you have any questions!


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