Requirements, Connecting to the Call, Internet, Browser Preferences, Shot Composition
The Basics:
- Please connect your computer to your router via an Ethernet cable if possible.
- Please ensure your computer is up-to-date.
- Please ensure you are accessing vmixcall.com via the latest version of either Chrome or Firefox.
- If possible/If needed, please disable any 3rd party firewall software.
More details:
Setting up your computer to broadcast you into our virtual video switcher shouldn't be too difficult, but as with any technology there are always opportunities for complications. Please go through the steps below, and if you still have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your production coordinator.
You can also always call our tech support hotline: 202-847-5908
First thing's first. Prioritize your internet connection. Connect your computer to router with an Ethernet cable instead of connecting via Wifi. If possible, ask others on your network to avoid streaming video or playing online games while you are broadcasting. Without a solid connection, your audio, lighting, and video specifics won't be important. The purpose of all these tips is so your content, your message, can be delivered. A solid internet connection is key to getting that across.
For best results, the following is recommended:
The latest version of your browser, Firefox recommended. Or Google Chrome.
The latest version of Windows or Mac OS operating system
HD USB Webcam such as a Logitech C922, or the ArchiteX Studio In A Box
Headset/Mic combo or Earphones + USB Microphone, such as a Yeti Blue
A reliable and fast internet connection
Connect to the call
You will be provided with a direct link and/or a password. This your own individual number for connecting. Please don't share your number with others.
Follow the link or go to www.vmixcall.com. Enter the provided password, type your name, then click Join Call.

Internet Connection
This is possible the most important part of your setup if you are streaming live. If you don't have enough internet bandwidth, your stream can cut out in the middle of your broadcast. Be sure to have a stable internet connection. If needed, see if you can upgrade your service from your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Instead of using WiFi on your computer, try running an ethernet cable directly from your router to your computer. Test your speed on a site like speedtest.net. You should be looking for a stable upload speed of at least 6 megabits per second (Mb/s) and a download speed of at least 15 megabits per second (Mb/s). If you have speeds lower than what's recommended, please contact your production coordinator to conduct a test prior to your stream date, or contact your network provider about what you can do to increase your speed.
browser preferences
Open your settings in Chrome, go to 'Privacy and Security'.
Navigate to 'Site Settings', then you should see 'Camera' and 'Microphone' as two options.
Under 'Camera' choose the camera you'd like to use from the drop down, either a built in camera or a USB camera.
Under 'Microphone' choose the camera you'd like to use from the drop down, either your built in mic or a USB mic.
Make sure your camera and microphone are plugged in (if they are external), that they have been configured in the browser as described above. You may see a prompt to allow the site to access your microphone and camera. Please click accept.
In FireFox, the browser will prompt to select the camera and microphone each time the call is connected.
In Google Chrome the camera and microphone can be configured by clicking the grey Camera icon at the top right hand corner of the address bar.
Direct link to access your camera settings: ​chrome://settings/content/camera
Direct link to access your camera settings: ​chrome://settings/content/microphone
In Safari on iOS, the browser will prompt you to allow access to the camera and microphone each time the call is connected.

Shot Composition
Visit our Presenter Resources page for more info on what you can do in your own environment to enhance audio, lighting, and video for your stream.
At a basic level, think about the framing and composition of your camera shot, and wear some kind of headphones.
Think about your backdrop. Make sure there is not a window behind you that would be difficult for lighting. Create some depth by moving yourself away from the background and wear colors that contrast, so you don't blend in.
Your camera height should approximately equal to your eyes. An angle coming from too far below or too far above may not look natural.
How big or small are you in the frame? We should be able to see your head and shoulders, and have some headroom on top. You want some space - but not too much - between the top of your head and the top of the frame). We'll post some example pictures here soon.